Berilmu luas,
tumbuh dengan Akhlak
Terserap Kerja
Mitra DUDI
Konsentrasi Keahlian
Didukung dengan
Kelas Industri yang Terpercaya
We offer affordable IT solutions that help you reduce costs and improve your bottom line.
Innovative Technology
We stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and offer innovative solutions that help you stay ahead of the competition.
Industry Expertise
We specialize in serving specific industries, such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing, and offer tailored solutions that meet your unique needs.
Our solutions are scalable and can grow with your business, ensuring that you get the most value out of your investment.
Lima Konsentrasi Keahlian Unggulan
Fasilitas Penunjang
SMK Jawara meyakini bahwa fasilitas juga merupakan kompenen penting dalam mempersiapkan para santri di masa depan yang profesional dan dapat bersaing pada revolusi industri 4.0 dan society 5.0
Fasilitas SMK Jawara
Ruang Belajar Mengajar
Gedung Ruang Pembelajaran SMK Jawara terdiri dari 16 Ruang KBM, Lab. Produktif, Lab. Komputer, Kantor TU.
- Ruang Kelas
- Lab Komputer
- Lab Produktif
- Ruang Guru
- Kantor
Fasilitas Penunjang
Despite modern cloud technology, your users operate in a familiar Microsoft Office environment and benefit from broad compatibility and low-threshold access.
- Exchange Online
- Sharepoint Online
- Defender for 365
- Autopilot
- Office Apps
- Windows 365
Lapangan Olahraga
Customized cloud platform designed to improve performance, lower IT costs, and provide secure and reliable access to your company data from any device, anytime, anywhere.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Oracle Cloud
- IBM Cloud (Kyndryl)
- Linode (Akamai)
Ruang Praktek
Network topologies include hub, linear, tree, and star designs, each of which is set up differently to promote connectivity between computers or devices.
- CiscoSophosWatchguard
- Extreme Networks
- Dell Technologies
- VMware
- Recovery
- Veeam
- Altaro
- Acronis
- Zerto
Berita Terbaru
Menyiapkan Generasi Muda Menghadapi Perubahan Hidup
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Kegiatan LDKS OSIS SMK Jawara 2024
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Kegiatan Jawara
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Kegiatan Observasi Kelas oleh Pengawas
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✔︎ SMK PGRI 1 Pasuruan
Instalasi kabel FO kejuruan TKJ Bersama Cubiespot
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Pembelajaran IoT Kejuruan TKJ
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LDKS OSIS Periode 2024-2025
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✔︎ Pemandian Alam Banyu Biru
Sistem Pembelajaran Terbaik
Kurikulum di SMK PGRI 1 Pasuruan dibentuk secara adaptif dari berbagai sumber terbaik. Kombinasi pembentukan kurikulum didapatkan berdasarkan pengalaman pengelolaan sistem pendidikan unggulan pesantren yang telah dijalani selama > 30 tahun.